
Contour shuttle express eham
Contour shuttle express eham

contour shuttle express eham

Hi there! ShuttleExpress user here and I've been still hitting the issue of mapping this on countour's side. Because of this, some shortcut mappings may have to be tweaked to a bit. The shuttle that I had on loan from a friend was faulty so I never used it on an actual production. I notice I have to do this with the mouse as well. The one issue I had however, which was probably linked to the mouse action, was that I had to have the main vMix window in focus, and not the Instant Replay page, which we have on another monitor. With Alt key pressed: Move backwards or forwards one second at a time." (ALT + SCROLL UP / DOWN) Successful connection of CountourShuttle Xpress to Mainstage (you can use GarageBand, Logic or any other MIDI-enabled app) on Mac.Shot on Canon 5D Mark II. With Ctrl key pressed: Move backwards or forwards one frame at a time. With Shift key pressed: Slow down or speed up playback (SHIFT + SCROLL UP / DOWN) "The mouse scroll wheel can be used at any time in the following ways:

contour shuttle express eham

The following is taken from the vMix User Guide (Instant Replay/Controller Options Section). In the Contour software, I mapped a "Mouse Wheel" event with the appropriate jog and shuttle actions.

#Contour shuttle express eham driver

To get the buttons to work, I mapped shortcuts to regular keyboard buttons, then mapped the keyboard shortcuts in the Contour settings program that came with the driver ()įor the jog and shuttle, vMix uses the mouse scroll wheel and key combinations. In case this has not been resolved, here is what I did to get the ShuttleExpress working for me.

Contour shuttle express eham